Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Attention Crossroads Children's Team!
The big news is YOUR SERVICE to God's kingdom!

Listen.....the last couple of weeks I have felt a bit of mundane going around. Almost like Sunday set-up, serve, go to service, tear down has reached an extraordinary level of monotony. I GET THAT.....ME TOO! It's like buying the building will never come.
I understand how service...particularly volunteer service to church could feel a bit mundane. However, I would like to offer a bit of perspective......
God is so big we cannot even really grasp it. I would like to share with you a cool fact I learned from a recent bible study Hollie and I are in. Isaiah 40:22 says God, "stretches out the heavens like a curtain and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in". You know how big God and the heavens are.....well I will tell you.

Here on earth we are 93,000,000 miles from the sun. Well imagine that the 93mil miles is equal to the thickness of a stack of paper. Got it....the thickness of 1 stack of paper = 93million miles.
OK, with that in mind from the earth to the nearest star is a stack of paper 71 feet high....with each piece of paper being......that's right 93 million miles.
Now the size of our galaxy is how high......a stack of paper 310 miles high. That's like a stack of paper from Enterprise to Mobile....with each piece of paper representing 93 million miles. That's just the size of our galaxy.
The size of the known universe is equal to a stack of paper 31 million miles high with every piece of piece of paper representing 93 million miles. WHAT!$?!
Last fact...there are more than 10 million sheets of paper in a mile....so if the known universe is as big as 31 million miles high with each mile having 10 million sheets.......AAAggghhhh!
Is your brain hurting yet?

God is so big and mighty. He has CHOSEN to love us and offer us His grace. As we continue on in our service to Him think about how Infinitely Mighty He is and how finitely small we are...yet he chose us to do His handy work. HE CHOSE US to do His handiwork.

That fact alone makes me see how much bigger our mission is than I may see. It makes me want to continue for Him, and want to continue for what Crossroads is doing for Him.

FACT: You guys are the tools and parts of the Crossroads machine that keeps it moving. God bless each of you.
Pastor Matt

The September Schedule is out!


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